The Committee’s role is to oversee Chirpy’s Cricket Club’s (hereafter to be referred to as "the Club") business on its behalf and that the Club remains viable now and in the future. This includes strategic planning, financial management, managing risk and fundraising. As the Club is an incorporated organisation, Committee Members are generally protected from personal liability.
James Caunt - Director of Cricket / Chairman
To drive a strategy for the Club in conjunction with the Management Committee which will inspire the next generation of cricketers.
Develop a complete coaching programme for all ages of the Club's Academy.
Ensure talented players have a pathway to achieve national recognition and beyond through high-class coaching and support.
Lead and motivate the coaching team by setting high standards and creating a positive, can do culture for learning.
Work with the senior cricket captains to provide relevant feedback and frequent opportunities for junior players transitioning into senior cricket.
Work towards establishing a women’s and girls’ cricket team.
Act as an ambassador for the Club and consistently uphold the Clubs ethos and culture whilst being an active member of the Club.
Assist Club captains with selection of senior cricket sides at weekly meetings.
James Riley - Junior Development Officer
Reports to the Management Committee.
Organise coaching sessions with the Director of Cricket and Club coaches.
Identify and promote new coaches.
Promote excellence.
Organise coaching plans and targets for juniors.
Identify young talent through the Academy.
Work with Jersey Cricket to promote talent.
James Hooker - Treasurer / Membership Secretary
Act as the Financial Officer of the Club.
Advise the Management Committee with regard to the financial standing of the Club.
Maintain accounting records of each financial year and present accounts prior to an AGM.
Recommend to the Management Committee any matters of finances in regard to income & expenditure.
Suggest levels of annual subscription and match fees.
Neal Davies - Social Secretary
Propose social events to satisfy the social calendar of the Club.
Propose fundraising events to fulfil the financial requirements of the Club.
Organise agreed social and fund-raising events for the Club.
Richard Anthony & James Caunt - Club Secretary / League Representative
Act as general correspondent for the Club to record and distribute minutes of general committee meetings and AGMs, EGMs & SGMs as necessary.
Notify members and friends of the Club of all Club meetings and events in accordance with the rules.
Provide copies of rules, fixture lists, forms and correspondence as required.
Act as the first point of contact for the League Management Committee.
Manage the supply of information to and from the League Management Committee.
Refer all related matters to the appropriate Club officer(s) at the earliest possible opportunity.
To make all reasonable efforts to attend relevant League Management Committee meetings.
Andrew Dewhurst - Child Welfare Officer
To be responsible for the well-being of all Club young players participating in Club events.
To ensure that the Club adheres to the requirements and directives of all appropriate bodies regarding young players.
Assist the Club to put in place implementation plans for child protection.
Be the first point of contact for Club volunteers, young people and parents for any issue concerning child. welfare, poor practice or potential / alleged abuse
Ensure that all relevant Club members and volunteers have a DBS check and the opportunity to access appropriate child protection training.
Ensure all appropriate coaches and volunteers have up to date Disclosure and Baring Services check and keep accurate records of their certificate number and date of issue of the certificate.
Ensure that codes of conduct are in place for Club volunteers, coaches, players and parents.
Sit on the Club Management Committee to advise on child protection issues or be in attendance as necessary.
George Thomas Evening / Richard Anthony, Weekend - Team Captains
Select the team and advise those players concerned of their selection.
Ensure that the match results are posted on the relevant websites.
To make sure the Club members comply with the Player Code of Conduct of the Club on and off the field at the ground.
To appoint a Vice-Captain in the Team Vice-Captain’s temporary absence.
Tom Kearns, Weekend - Team Vice-Captain
To undertake the roles & responsibilities of the Team Captain in his/her absence.