Chirpy’s Academy was established in 2017 and is a “fun first” programme specifically designed for boys and girls in Reception through to Year 8.
The Development Programme seeks to provide a pathway for junior cricketers moving from junior to senior cricket. This is achieved by providing specialist coaching / mentoring to the children in the areas of batting, bowling, fielding, fitness, and leadership skills with the emphasis on always joining in and having fun whilst providing an insight into the game, its culture and playing philosophy.
The programme also helps children with their confidence, self-esteem, developing friendships, creativity and promotes a healthy lifestyle and much more. The Academy also aims to retain young people in cricket and help them to maintain and improve their ability and skill level, affording them the opportunity to progress within the sport.
One of the goals of the Academy is to provide young cricketers with the tools that will enable them to progress through to the 1st XI at Chirpy’s Cricket Club and beyond. The Academy focuses on encouraging, preparing and developing junior cricketers to pursue their goals in the sport, and assist them to achieve their highest level possible - be that at Chirpy’s Cricket Club, Jersey National Team, County or International level. The primary philosophy of the Academy is to develop and enhance individual skills and allow the player to progress according to their natural ability. In addition, our coaches will use a range of development methods to aid in player growth, including mentoring and goal setting.
The Academy is proudly supported and sponsored by Carey Olsen.

This is the introduction phase to Chirpy’s Academy where we will build on motor skills and will begin to focus on cricket specific skills whilst always focusing on fun and participation. Throughout this stage children are encouraged to work more independently from their parents. They will begin to apply skills through simulation of game specific practice, with a focus on teamwork.
Skills Focus:
Basic Motor Skills.
Introduction to Teamwork.
Encouraging Independence.

Phase 2 has a particular focus on learning the basic skills of the game including, batting, catching, throwing and cricket related games, but still focusing on fun and participation. The same structure is followed as per the younger age groups but these classes will have a greater emphasis on teamwork and will continue to enhance self-esteem and confidence.
Skills Focus:
Developing Motor Skills into the Game.
Team Work.
Confidence & Purpose.

Phase 3 is where we introduce a moving ball and more cricket game-based activities as well as introducing more skill based activities. We also focus on introducing the “Spirit of Cricket” whilst continuing to offer lots of encouragement and most of all, lots of fun!
Skills Focus:
Fielding – Catching hand positions, under and over arm throwing and long barrier.
Batting – Grip and stance, consistent striking, hitting both sides of the wicket, running between the wickets and calling.
Bowling – Basics of a legal action to bowl at stumps, basic grip and small run up.

Phase 4 is all about the transition from soft ball to hard ball. The prime focus will be preparing the players for their first taste of playing in a team environment and preparing them for playing in the “My Club, My Journey” Under 11 Jersey Cricket League.
Skills Focus:
Fielding – High catching, understanding of positions and names, backing up and consistent stopping of the ball.
Batting – Backing up, basic defensive technique, strike rotation and boundary shots.
Bowling – Shining ball, different lines and lengths, follow through, use of front arm and gripping of ball.
Wicket Keeping – Understanding when to stand up and catching on both sides of the wicket.

Phase 5 is where we will be raising the bar a little higher and pushing the players that bit further. Here our priority is to introduce a higher level of technique and skill and helping the players in their development as cricketers. The players will also have the opportunity to play in the "My Club, My Journey" Under 13 Jersey Cricket League.
Skills Focus:
Fielding - Develop close and slip catching, understand how to build pressure in the field.
Batting – Ability to build an innings, understanding strengths and weaknesses, further develop scoring areas, learning the difference between batting against spin and seam.
Bowling – Attacking and defensive bowling, self-awareness of fields required, developing pace and strength.
Wicket Keeping – Understanding of role within team and how to support bowlers and fielders, communication and responsibility, technique.

Here the players will get their first taste of senior cricket and get the opportunity to play in the Jersey Cricket League Division 3 which is their development league. The players will continue their development through regular coaching sessions and will gain a better understanding of their role within the team.
Skills Focus:
Leadership qualities, responsibility and tactical sense, self-awareness regarding individual warm-ups.
Take further accountability for improvement in self-directed learning.
Fielding – Take fielding wickets and build ability to ‘read’ the game.
Batting – Develop different ‘gears’ and understand when to use them against both spin and seam with boundary and strike rotation.
Bowling – Develop different bowling skills, variety of paces, lines and lengths, responsibility in setting own fields and plans.